The Journey to Mother Hood

The womb is the first home, and our children choose us before they anchor there.

There are no mistakes on the journey of conception, only opportunity to grow in love and trust in ourselves and our ability to create life within.

It is common for women hold un-resolved emotional stress in the womb space, which can sometimes impact the babies ability to anchor into the physical realm. Womb healing is the also the healing of inter-generational trauma, the energetic memories that are passed down through the blood line of the women in your ancestry. When we take steps to healing the womb, we are not only healing ourselves, but the women that came before us, and those that will come after us. This healing is a beautiful experience for anybody embarking on their fertility journey and can have profound effects on the receiver. It offers an opportunity for re-connection and activation of this sacred space, releasing deep emotional trauma and unresolved past issues, and making way for fresh, healthy energy. When working with this deeply sacred space, it is important to nourish your body, mind and spirit with clean water, good amounts of rest, highly nutritious foods and positive vibrations. There are many angelic frequencies that help with healing the womb and invoking the spirit of your baby, and during your session, Poppy will introduce you to some of them. You will also receive tools to support your conception that you can take home with you.

Poppy’s womb healing + fertility sessions are a beautiful way to prepare the mother and womb for conception. They also help strengthen the connection to the babies soul, making it easier for the baby find its way to earth. During these sessions a combination of energy work, crystal, angel and goddess invocation, blessings and anointing using sacred oils will be used to help heal, connect and guide you and the soul of your unborn together. These sessions are treated as pure ceremony and are subtitle for anyone on a conception journey.

Womb healing ceremonies are 2 hours long and are held in various locations around Melbourne.

We choose our parents and our children choose us. There are no victims in the Preexistence, in that place before here.
— Jennine Parvati Baker